Thank you for investing in Groundfloor. Because your equity investment was for stock ownership of Groundfloor, a private company, there is no liquidity at this time.
If the company succeeds, the most likely scenarios for investors are: 1) Acquisition by another company, 2) Listing on a stock market, or 3) Distributions from the company in the form of dividends or other kinds of disbursements. However, these events, if they are to occur, may not occur for some time. As we grow our business, we will have a better idea of which solutions are best for the company and our shareholders.
While we cannot authorize a sale through our platform, or buy back shares, we can process a transfer. We will need a notarized letter including the following information:
The name and address of both selling party and purchasing party.
The number of shares being sold.
The total dollar amount of the purchase.
This letter needs to be signed by both of you, and emailed to